Digital Technology Essay

Digital Media Technology is how we create, consume and produce media, with the use of digital technology. Digital technology includes the use of computer systems,and other technologies that have advanced from the era of analogue tech. Creativity and digital technology have a relationship. Digital media tech has enabled us to become more creative, this is because we now have access to technology that enhances the process of creating media. For example, using Photoshop to add layers upon layers. In the analogue era, this process would have been long and tedious and one may not even try and experiment with such thing, because of the lengthy process it takes to do it with paper. On Photoshop, we can do so at a click of a button, and if we do not like it, we can just "Ctrl + Z", to return to it's previous state. Technology has enabled us to experiment with more choices than before, this makes us more creative. Also because we have access to social networking sites, we have an immediate audience, which allows for feedback on our work. Over the course of the two years, digital technology has allowed me to create certain things with applications, that couldn't really be done with a pen and a pad.

My preliminary task at AS, involved the use of digital media technology. We had to create a college magazine. Specifically I used Adobe Photoshop and inDesign. We didn't do any research on any college magazines, by not doing any research it limited my creativity, although I did create something, but it may not of surely been recognized as a college magazine. By doing research, it opens the door for understanding of the conventions used in college magazines. Although, I did have previous knowledge and understanding of the applications I was using, because of this prior knowledge, I understood how to use each tool in the application. For the main image on the magazine, I used a DSLR camera, which had a higher resolution than my phone camera. All I had to do there after was put that image onto the magazine. I then added text around the page. I didn't understand where the text should be placed, but because I've seen magazines in the past, I figured out where each thing should go. Although my magazine, didn't follow the conventions of a college magazine, it still looked undeniably like a magazine of course. This is because of digital media technology. The use of the programs I used, helped me get to that point.

Since the preliminary task, I done a lot of research. I looked at many music magazines, specifically to the genre of rock. The research was done on the internet as well as going to the store and purchasing music magazines. Looking at magazines, influenced my final piece of work. One of the main magazines I looked at was Kerrang. They usually included a similar house style throughout their magazines. At the beginning of AS I simply did not understand conventions, then doing research and actually practicing where each convention go on the page helped. For the typography and masthead, I used Photoshop in conjunction with inDesign. I found out how to used the brushes in Photoshop, to create certain effects on the text itself. I also understood why you should rasterize layers and why you would want to convert to a smart object. In my preliminary task, one of the skills I had to work on was lighting, to combat this issue, I made many draft images, and then chose a final image with the best lighting. Whilst editing it, I had the choice of filters and effects, on the overall magazine, I decided to create my own texture image. This involved me using the gradient tool, shapes, eraser, magic wand tool and quick selection tool. All these tools allowed me to add an extra spice to my magazine. Firstly, I used the colours of green, white and black, but quickly found out those colours weren't a typical conventional colour that was used in rock. So, I then changed it to Yellow, Black & White. This was also done through a questionnaire.

From my AS Magazine to the A2 Trailer, digital technology has impacted my work on a great scale. The programs such as, Adobe premiere pro, after effects, Photoshop and audition. These apps have allowed me to become more creative and experiment more often with different techniques and styles of editing. Doing things such as editing audio, like adding reverb into the mix, adding an exciter to bring out more of the mid range. Using an EQ to remove some of the boxiness in the audio, panning left to right, to create a stereo image. All these things, I learnt with the use of digital media technology. I had many influences, like watching videos on YouTube on how to use certain programs, to practicing it myself. Also, with the trailer, I watched many examples on horror trailers. Especially about composition, how to frame shots, setting the camera to a specific setting to get similar shots throughout the shoot.

Digital media technology does help push creativity to the edge, it opens doors of creativity. Creativity isn't limited, it becomes a limitation when following a strict set of rules, such as conventions. But they are put in place to help recognize the work. Technology has increased my creativity, the applications are the power, and using skill and knowledge of these applications assist with creativity.


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