5 Paragraph Essay | Narrative Theorists

30 Min timed essay (Narrative Theory)
For this essay, I will be looking at my summer trailer. Narrative is defined as a chain of events in a cause-effect relationship occurring in time. I will be looking at 5 narrative theorists in this essay. I’ll be discussing about the following: Tzetvan Todorov, Claude Levi-Strauss, Roland Barthes, Vladimir Propp & Pam Cook.

Todorov’s theory, talks about a three-act structure in narrative. This includes Equilibrium, Disequilibrium and Resolution. As our summer trailer was only a trailer, we did not include the resolution, as it will just spoil the film. Many other trailers do not show the resolution too. The equilibrium was displayed at the beginning of our trailer, for a few seconds, then disequilibrium. Also known as the disruption. The part where things begin to go downhill, for our trailer it was when the people started going missing and flying into the air. Then as the disequilibrium continues, we had a montage.

The next theorist I will be looking at is Propps Theory. He talks about stock characters. The stock characters are: The Villian, The Hero, The Donor, The helper, The princess, Her Father, The Dispatcher, The false hero. Films usually have a stock character. For our trailer, we had the villain as the monsters. Propps theory includes characters from fairy tales, in horror fairy tale characters are used, these stock characters.

Claude Levi-Strauss Theory – talks about Binary Opposites. An example, good vs evil, God vs. Man. Young vs. Old. Strauss, says there must be binary opposites in order to create conflict. In our trailer, we had the female taking up the role of the male. Initially she was the first one to act. These binary opposites also relate to the stock characters also. Especially the characters in the genre of horror.

Roland Barthes – Structuralist approach. Barthes suggested that there will be one or more of the 5 codes that describe the meaning of something. He structures the codes in the following: Action, Enigma, Semic, Symbolic, Cultural. The enigma code refers to there being mystery behind what is shown. Enigmas make the audience want more of something. In our trailer, when their conflict began and then a sudden cut occurred, it had the audience wanting more. Also at the end of our trailer, the enigma was like cliff-hanger. The action code, includes suspense to the trailer, action occurring etc..

The final theorist I will be looking at is Pam Cook – The Structure of The Classic Narrative. She talked about the structure of classic narrative. They need to include: Enigma Resolution, Narrative Closure & Fictional World that contains verisimilitude. With our trailer, the enigma wasn’t resolved, this is because it was only the trailer. So, if we did resolve the enigma, the audience may have felt they already know what it’s all about. Narrative closure same thing, regards to a trailer.

By Cole Madondo


  1. "he equilibrium was displayed at the beginning of our trailer, for a few seconds, then disequilibrium. Also known as the disruption. The part where things begin to go downhill, for our trailer it was when the people started going missing and flying into the air. Then as the disequilibrium continues, we had a montage." (P) WHAT is the issue with having the Equilib when making a Teaser Trailer? (E) WHAT did each section look like on screen - HOW was it edited? (A) EDR is in a LINEAR order but you have a Montage so WHAT does this mean and HOW applicable is it?

    "Films usually have a stock character. For our trailer, we had the villain as the monsters. Propps theory includes characters from fairy tales, in horror fairy tale characters are used, these stock characters." (P) ARCHETYPES - WHAT are they, and WHERE are they in your trailer? (E) HOW did you make them recognisable? MES? (A) WHAT does it mean if you don't have them in your trailer?

    "God vs. Man. Young vs. Old. Strauss, says there must be binary opposites in order to create conflict. In our trailer, we had the female taking up the role of the male. Initially she was the first one to act. These binary opposites also relate to the stock characters also. Especially the characters in the genre of horror." (P) WHY do you need B.O. to make a story play out? Conflict? WHY are they so typical in Horrors? (E) WHAT did the B.O. look like onscreen? MES, CAM - how do these show opposites at work when filming these characters?


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