Research & Planning essay response

Research & Planning essay response

I have developed in my research and planning since the start of the course. Over the two years, I’ve learnt and understood how to create a music magazine. To do this though, we had to understand the conventions of magazines and of the genre also. We also had to establish who our target audience is.

For the preliminary task, we had to create a college magazine. We had to create a plan for the college magazine. This required us to do some research. We used the internet to find some examples of magazines like what we were creating. This helped form a basic understanding of using Adobe InDesign and Photoshop, which allows for image manipulation and editing. With this basic skill set, it limited my creativity a little bit as I was not able to use certain features which I had in mind, but couldn’t translate it into the programs. Also, it was like we were just copying instead of creating. Which by just copying, it did help us understand where things belong.

When I created my music magazine. I had recognised the skills I had with the computer programs. As they enhanced, my creativity also enhanced. The genre for my magazine was rock. I had to look at rock magazines, I then studied the conventions of the typical rock magazine. For example, things such as the dominant image, how the model is placed, their facial expression etc... The Mise-En-Scene was a very important feature when creating a magazine. For the rock genre, I chose a leather black jacket, which rock fans can familiarise themselves with. I also found out the type of typography used within the genre. I noticed they have effects on them, like paint splashes and splodges, teared up parts in the text. I liked the way other magazines used it, So I also decided to implement that idea into mine. Also with the double page spread and contents page, my skills developed over time, and creativity grew with it. The research planning played a vital role that lead to my creativity increasing.

For the A2 Film trailer, which is currently in production. We had to look at previous trailers to understand the concepts of what a horror trailer should be like. Also, at the beginning of A2, we went through the conventions of a horror movie. Looking at theories also helped with understanding what is usually contained within a horror movie. Understanding the purpose of the horror conventions has made a work and planning easier for us. Before we had any definite knowledge of the horror conventions we made a summer horror teaser trailer. As shown in our trailers, it doesn’t seem to show that we fully understood all the horror conventions, this is because we were doing things like filming in broad daylight. When in a horror trailer, they are usually at night. And now if we do put something in our trailer, it won’t just be for the fun of it, it will be because there is a meaning behind it. For example, we have synopsis and a theme. From these we created a sub-text for our trailer, which is the underlying meaning behind the text or media. Throughout the two years we have developed greatly.

Over the two years, from the transition of our AS Music Magazine to our A2 Film Trailer, I can say that we have grown in understanding what features in the two…

(30 min timer ended here) 
*583 Words*


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