Media Language Essay

Media Language refers to the language and codes of the medium. Media language covers, Sound, Mise-En-Scene, Semiotics and ideologies. In terms of horror films, they use codes and conventions, and that is how we identify them. I will be using my summer trailer to discuss the theories of Media Language.

Semiotics is the study of signs, and is used to describe the meaning of codes. We included zombies in our trailer, and zombies are a sign of death in a way. Because they are dead humans. Also this could mean various things, like something wrong with society. As theorist Ferdinand de Saussure said, there's the signifier and there's signified. As these signs may signify something, like I said the zombies signifies a dead society. Within semiotics, there are three main types of codes which are symbolic, written and audio & technical.

A technical code that we used was the use of the camera. At the beginning of our trailer, we included footage of three people. It had a handheld/shaky effect which connotes that they were using a phone or some sort. We aimed for this effect and it was effective. Also the angle of the camera throughout the middle of the trailer was a high angle, especially during the bit where the victim was running away from the antagonist. This was used to show the level at which the victim is compared to the antagonist, as with the antagonist we used a low angle, to show dominance.

The use of editing, we used fast paced editing during the montage of the trailer. And at the beginning it was more slow. The first part of the trailer was supposed to set the mood. And as we didn't want it too fast we slowed it down. And added transitions, which is another technical code. The montage part was okay, but adding in more scenes would have been better. Slow paced editing connotes control, and fast paced editing may connote things not being in control.

As with the written and audio codes, we included a sound track with sound effects. For example the sound effect of the siren, connotes disturbance. Which creates fear for people. As it gets louder, we also introduced title slates, where the text was not to big, and it said "The Last Ones Left". This title may connote that they are the last people left on earth.


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