
Showing posts from October, 2017

Media Language Essay

Media Language refers to the language and codes of the medium. Media language covers, Sound, Mise-En-Scene, Semiotics and ideologies. In terms of horror films, they use codes and conventions, and that is how we identify them. I will be using my summer trailer to discuss the theories of Media Language. Semiotics is the study of signs, and is used to describe the meaning of codes. We included zombies in our trailer, and zombies are a sign of death in a way. Because they are dead humans. Also this could mean various things, like something wrong with society. As theorist Ferdinand de Saussure said, there's the signifier and there's signified. As these signs may signify something, like I said the zombies signifies a dead society. Within semiotics, there are three main types of codes which are symbolic, written and audio & technical. A technical code that we used was the use of the camera. At the beginning of our trailer, we included footage of three people. It had a handheld...

Audience Theory Essay

Audience theory There are two views on the audience theory: Mass Audience, which is passive. This is considered dangerous as it has the power to influence the masses. Then the other view is the Active audience theory, which is interpreted differently compared to the Mass Audience. Active audiences are open to interpretation. I will be applying the audience theory to my summer trailer. Looking at the effects model and comparing it to my trailer. Reception theory, Cultivation Theory, Uses & Gratification Theory, Copycat Theory, Desensitization  Theory, Catharsis & Suspension of Disbelief. These are the theories that are apart of the Audience Theory. First theory I will be talking about is the Copycat theory. This theory refers to how the audience can be influenced and be affected by the media I think that this theory is more suited to other genres than horror because the protagonist is normally the victim in horror movies, such as the sub-genre Slasher, which includ...

5 Paragraph Essay | Representation

30 Min Representation Theory Essay In the representation theory. There are ten views of representation. I will be looking at my summer trailer and I’ll be discussing the representation theory. Laura Mulvey: The Gaze. Also known as the male gaze, this includes visual pleasure for viewing a female on screen. The camera will put you into perspective as a male, hence why it’s called the male gaze. The theory suggests that the male gaze relegates women to a position where only they are admired for their appearance only. She says the female has two functions, which are: act as an erotic object for the characters to view. Or as an erotic object for the spectators in the cinema to view. This theory occurs in horror movies a lot. Especially with the character “the slut”. Usually there for the other characters. Clover: The Final Girl. This theory suggest that the final girl is the one who tells the story, usually in the genre of slasher. The final girl is in films such as Nightmare on...